DarkWalkerHealth: 1000
Respawn time: 45 Seconds
Speed: 15 MpH
Movement: Pressing the crouch key causes the Darkwalker to lower itself while moving, enabling it to enter smaller areas.
It can move over rough terrain with ease, walks and turns slow and is able to climb structures that aren't too high.
Seat 1 of 2;Primary Mode: Particle Accelerator beam. Zooms in automatically during shoot.
Primary Damage: 3x120 damage over 1.5 seconds (1 shot) with a 1.5 second recharge rate
Secondary Mode: "Battle Cry" attack, kicks nearby players out of
Viper, force ball mode (
Scavenger), knocks down players (on foot/
Seat 2 of 2;Primary Mode: Rapid fire gun
Primary Damage: 28 damage per shot
Secondary Mode: Zoom
Extra: This is an open seat, so you could be sniped out.