Set the KeyBoard Keys to your Advantage
"By changing your Key settings, you can use specific tactics faster"
You can leave all Keys original.
I note specific changes I made to have more advantages while playing or remember specific option better.
Horn: H (easier to remember)
Talk: Y (changed with T)
TeamTalk: T (easier to remember for TeamTalk, changed with Y)
Feint Death: G
Taunt 1: F (Close to E [use], that is used when Titans smash. Why? See Titan's Topic)
I've bound a command 'suicide' to K (easy to remember as 'Kill' )
I've bound a command 'ThrowWeapon' to X ( as in remove )
I've bound a command 'dropflag' to O (easy to remember as 'Orb', because it also works for Orbs. )
I also bound a 'manual' command to recreate connecting to my testserver (this will be updated in the
KeyBinding Topic!).
To bind commands to keys, see the
KeyBinding TopicAs I have many extra GameKeys on my Keyboard, I use those for phrases in game to update Redeemer status.
This way I can say in a short second when the Redeemer is available, an enemy got the Redeemer,
when an enemy one flies in the air, when I got it or when the Redeemer is gone (for the time till new respawn).
So far my update on most custom settings I made.
Any other tips are welcome, if you have any.