CicadaHealth: 600
Respawn time: 37 sec.
Speed: 94.5 MpH
Movement: Using the jump and crouch keys you can go up and down. It turns slow and can't fly fast sideways, so incoming
Raptor rockets are hard to evade.
Seat 1 of 2;Primary Mode: Rockets [50 damage per rocket]
Secondary Mode (Hold): "Rocket Barrage": Locks crosshair and loads rockets as long as you hold till fully loaded. You can still move, location will stay fixed. Release alt-fire to shoot (all) loaded rockets. Handy for fixed targets.
Secondary Damage: 16x 50 damage per rocket [800 total]
Seat 2 of 2 {Turret};Primary Mode: Laser [25 damage per shot]
Secondary Mode: Flare [50 damage per flare] (Will attract nearby AVRiL rockets coming in)
Extra: When there are incoming AVRiL rockets from a distance, you can switch to seat 2 to try to deny them by shooting.
If that fails, drop the flare when the rocket gets quite close, otherwise it won't be distracted anymore!