ScorpionHealth: 300
Respawn time: 24 sec.
Speed: 53.5 MpH (Normal), 82 MpH (Burst)
Movement: The Scorpion can make small turns and drive backwards to turn quite fast. When in full speed (Burst) you almost can't make any turn, just drive straight ahead.
If the
Vehicle gets upside down, you can get the option to turn it back on its wheels.
Seat 1 of 1;Primary Mode: Glob [60 damage per hit]
Secondary Mode: Expandable Blades
Additional Mode: Kamikaze attack (selfdestruct, activate by leaving Scorpion in Burst mode) [630-690 damage]
Extra: The Glob is
super effective on flying enemy
Vehicles, including the
Hoverboard. If you shoot a few meters above or next to them, it attracts like a magnet.
The blades make the surface of the Scorpion for hit and run almost 3x as big. The blades can break if they hit any surface or
Vehicle, but not players.
Here you can see the expanded blades of the Scorpion: